
One notable practice of RAQ E-Education is to keep up with the evolving trends in educational needs. As technology keeps advancing, and innovations occur in both education and the job market, we aim to be the benchmark when it comes to e-learning. Thus, in addition to the conventional e-learning practice, we offer a special strategy known as blended learning. With blended learning, you get live classes on-demand, meaning you can book your live class at your own convenience.

You can book these classes as single modules or as a package containing a series of modules. You can book them hourly, daily, or in advance of your schedule. You can either make the booking just before beginning the module or after you have submitted an assignment. Booking after an assignment offers incredible benefits as you would go through your work and solve any errors or ask queries regarding your work. At RAQ E-Education London, you get more than just online learning! Your classes are in-depth, live, and personal (your tutor is available for direct engagement).

Please note that booking will be subject to the availability of your personal tutor. You will also need to pay half the booking fee in advance, and the remaining amount just before the session commences. If you wish to cancel your booking, ensure you give at least a week’s notice.

If you wish to book a blended learning session at any time, kindly send us an email at, and our support team be in touch as soon as possible with information on the cost and payment methods available.

What does your personal tutor offer at the live class?

Your personal tutor will:

  1. Offer you comprehensive guidance and support.
  2. Give you constructive feedback regarding your assignment, which you can then apply.
  3. Give guidance on the best way to structure your course and schedule.
  4. Talk to you about the progression of your modules and course in general.
  5. Offer professional guidance on writing a thesis, filling the title page, table of contents, and referencing, amongst others.